Previously a Managing Director of a digital printing company in Australia, Keith Hunter moved to Singapore two years ago with his wife. At 55 years old, he felt he was too young to retire and wanted to do something to help others. While Keith could have used his professional skills and knowledge in finance for skills-based volunteering, he was looking for a more direct and hands-on volunteering experience that would allow him the opportunity to give back to society in a meaningful way.
And so Keith started his volunteering journey at AWWA Special Student Care Centre (SSCC) a year ago after visiting the after-school care for children with special needs/disabilities. He felt a connection with the students on his first visit and has been volunteering with the centre every day, five days a week and when the centre is at its busiest.
With his daily commitment in helping out at the centre, Keith is no stranger to the children where he performs the role like a regular staff. He would teach the children to draw, sing with them and clean up after them. Without any prior experience in working with children with special needs, Keith acquainted himself with the centre’s activities and was quick in engaging the children of different developmental needs with his vivacious personality.
“I feel that I have received more from the children than I give them.” – Keith Hunter, Volunteer at AWWA Special Student Care Center
Click here to learn more about what SSCC does
Click here if you’d like to find out more about volunteering at AWWA