Alfred (right), along with his wife and two children, Asher and Axel, is on a personal family project titled, “Project Memories” – a time capsule that captures innumerable happy memories forged together as a family. From buying ice cream to taking a scenic drive, these memories serve as their anchor and a source of comfort when the going gets tough.
When asked to share some challenges Alfred faced, he related, “The feeling of whether I have done enough, or if I could have done more for my children evokes self-doubt, and it leads to me feeling insecure. Thankfully, I have a supportive wife who helps me put things into perspective. Together, we put aside all negativity, and direct our attention to “Project Memories”, motivating ourselves to spend meaningful time with our children”.
It does not take much to bring smiles to Alfred. A mischievous act from Asher and Axel, or even witnessing the children showing love for each other, it is easier counting blessings than recalling sacrifices made. “I learned about putting family first from my father. Every decision he made took into consideration what was best for us”, recounted Alfred. “There will never be a perfect time to be a dad or will you ever be prepared enough to be one. Do not strive for perfection, instead, just keep trying to do your best”.