The AWWA Home (AH) and AWWA Day Activity Centre (DAC) serve adults aged 18 to 55 with mild to severe physical and multiple disabilities. The AH and DAC support the integration of adults of differing abilities with the belief that everyone should live out their hopes and aspirations in a conducive environment without barriers and live in the community with a sense of belonging and purpose.


We seek to strengthen a sense of belonging for up to 300 adults with additional needs within a safe environment, thus providing caregivers with peace of mind.

AWWA Day Activity Centre

By operating a community-based facility, we aim to maximise the independence of up to 50 adults with physical and multiple disabilities to continue being active members of the community and to provide respite to caregivers.

Our Programmes

With our multidisciplinary team of Allied Health and Care professionals, we offer programmes designed to enhance our clients’ and residents’ independence.

We provide holistic, person-centred care through a variety of activities that serve to promote the well-being of our clients.

These activities include:

  • Training on Independent and Community Living Skills
  • Therapeutic-based games and activities to maintain the functional status of each client based on their needs and preferences
  • Training on personal grooming such as personal hygiene, oral care, body care and dressing
  • Mobility training through proper navigation and use of mobility aids within the compound and in the community

For more information, please refer to our brochure here. For a list of our FAQs, please click here.

To Enrol

For enrolment and enquiries, please reach us at the email address below!


AWWA Home and day activity centre

Operating Details:

Contact Us:


We serve mainly persons with mild to severe physical disabilities, aged 18 to 55.

Persons with multiple (co-morbid) disabilities may also apply, e.g. intellectual, sensory (e.g. vision or hearing impairments).

We are unable to serve persons with a diagnosis of only intellectual disability, or persons with autism.

For other eligibility criteria, please refer to our brochure here.

Please contact us to find out more about the current vacancy situation.

For AWWA DAC, transport service is outsourced to a vendor. The transport zones include east and northeast of Singapore. For all other locations, transport service is considered on a case-by-case basis. Fees are charged for transport.

For AWWA Home, no transport is provided, as it is a residential service. For residents going on home leave, medical appointments etc., caregivers are encouraged to make their own transport arrangements.

For AWWA DAC, there will be programme fees, and transport fees (if applicable).

For AWWA Home, there will be a service fee. Additional fees apply if the resident requires consumable items such as diapers, milk feeds etc.

Depending on household means-test, a client may be eligible for subsidy. Please contact us to find out more about the fee and subsidy tiers.

All applications must go through SG Enable.

Please refer to the SG Enable website to find out more about how to apply, and what documents are needed.

If the client is currently receiving services from other social service agencies, or hospitals, please approach the social worker or case manager to help you apply.

As AWWA DAC and AWWA Home are separate services, a client cannot be enrolled in both at the same time.

Yes! We encourage family and friends to visit and stay in touch with our residents, to maintain their social connections and family bonds.

The Home is open to visitors of our residents from 9.00am to 9.00 pm daily.

Family members are also allowed to bring residents on home leave or outings.

For AWWA DAC, breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea breaks are provided.

For AWWA Home, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea break and dinner are provided.

All meals are halal certified. No beef and alcohol are served. We also cater to different dietary requirements (e.g. pureed or minced food).

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