
Kindle Garden has volunteers from all walks of life

AWWA Kindle Garden (KG) was featured in The Sunday Times!

The Sunday Times, 29 December 2019 – Pre-school has volunteers from all walks of life

A variety of volunteers were interviewed at Kindle Garden’s graduation ceremony in November 2019. This includes brothers Morgan and Ryan Yeo, who are trained in carpentry, and designed a dinosaur-themed chair for Rizq, a student with Cerebral Palsy. The article also features Catherine Devadason, who has Down syndrome, and leads baking sessions for KG’s students.

We are so heartened that volunteers at Kindle Garden are as diverse as the children in it.

Aside from volunteers, caregivers were also interviewed, including Rizq’s mother, and Mr and Mrs Lim, parents of Leia and Luke, who both attend KG. Despite living in the East, Mr and Mrs Lim made KG the preschool of their choice for their children, because they Leia and Luke to have a “different kind of education”. Mrs Lim also believes empathy cannot be imparted – rather, children need to develop and experience it for themselves by interacting with children of different capabilities and needs.

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