GROUP Volunteers

”Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.”
– Mother Teresa 

Volunteer as a Group!

Part of an interest group or have a couple of friends that are keen to do something for the community in need?

We want to partner with you to bring joy to our beneficiaries!

Here are some things you can do as a group:

  • Conduct regular volunteer sessions
  • Organise ad-hoc outings
  • Befriending activities
  • Develop new volunteer projects
  • Start a fundraising campaign to raise funds for AWWA

Things to Note:

Please contact us at least 1-2 months before your preferred volunteering start date. Your involvement will start from conceptualisation right through to the execution of a project idea.

Maintenance Notice: Our volunteer form will be unavailable until 23 April 2024, Tuesday at 12pm due to maintenance. To sign-up, please contact us at We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

e.g. outings to places of interest, planning centre-based activities
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