The 11th AWWA Inclusion Experts Series (AIES) will be happening on 25 June 2022, Saturday, 10am-12.30pm. Registration is now open.
This training seminar will introduce participants to the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (Pyramid Model), an early childhood multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), with the goal of improving the social, emotional, and behavioural outcomes of young children with, and at risk for, developmental disabilities or delays. We will focus on how Pyramid Model Strategies can help education providers establish a solid foundation for high quality, inclusive classrooms. Strategies that promote the engagement, participation, learning and positive outcomes of ALL children will be described through lecture and video examples.
Session Outcomes:
• Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the four levels of the Pyramid Model.
• Participants will be able to describe how key Pyramid Strategies support inclusion and learning for all children.
• Participants will implement key inclusive strategies that support all children’s learning in their classrooms.
Keynote Speakers:
Phillip S. Strain, PhD.
Kennedy Endowed Chair in Urban Education
Director, Positive Early Learning Experiences Center
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Phil Strain, PhD. is the author of the original grant that funded the development of the inclusive LEAP Preschool Model for young children with autism in 1980, has authored over 300 professional papers in the early intervention field and conducted the largest randomized, controlled trial of an autism intervention (LEAP) to date (Strain & Bovey, 2011). Dr. Strain also co-authored the original grant to fund the development of The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (Pyramid Model) and he has recently led the efforts to eliminate suspension and expulsion using the Pyramid Model and, in adapting the Pyramid Model for implementation in inclusive early childhood programs. He is the recipient of multiple professional awards and the only special educator to have received career achievement awards from the International Council for Exceptional Children in Teaching and Research.
Edward (Ted) Bovey, MA.
Associate Director, Positive Early Learning Experience Center
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Ted Bovey, MA. has been working with young children, young children with autism and children with other developmental disabilities and their families for over 25 years. Ted was an original contributor to the development of the Pyramid Model and continues to work on the development and implementation of the Pyramid Model Preschool Modules and in using the Pyramid Model to support inclusion in early childhood education settings. Ted is also the project manager for the LEAP Preschool Model for young children with autism and supports that work through training and coaching of classroom teams and supporting teams in the development of systems of sustainability. Ted has extensive experience working with community early childhood providers and providing training and coaching in the implementation of Pyramid Model practices, the LEAP Preschool Model and in the remediation of high intensity challenging behaviours.
For any enquiries, reach out to us at